在別人的blog上看到一段我印象很深且超喜歡的對白,摘錄自曾經很紅的影集Ally McBeal。
(Ally 與對方證人)
A: Other than taking food orders, or talking about the weather, maybe even the Red Sox, do you remember the first conversation you had with her that was at all more personal?
JT: Yes. I asked her why she always seemed so sad.
A: How did she respond?
JT: She just smiled a little. Said she was fine.
A: Did you know that she had recently split up with her husband?
JT: Not at the time.
A: And did you interpret the sadness as.. as...loneliness?
JT: Well, umm, no. Actually it seemed a little worse.
A (angry): What can be worse than being alone?
(calms down) I mean, how, how did it seem worse?
JT: I saw lots of lonely people. In some restaurants by the Cape the place would be full of them!
They always have a look...
A: What...What kind of look?
JT: Look that it could change any second. Maybe with the next person who enters the room.
Lonely people... they have hope. She didn't seem to. She was just... sad.
You know, like she knew too much.
A: Knew too much ? What did she know?
JT: Some people find love permanent and some are just meant to be alone. She knew what she was.
我很喜歡Ally這個角色,雖然她實在神經質過頭,敏感到老讓人擔心一不小心就會採到她的痛處,但她那種可以隨時進入一個可愛的幻想畫面,在童真與成人世界間拉扯的矛盾,讓我對這個角色有著相當的認同。不過,最打動我的更是她纖瘦的背影,穿著長大衣拉起領子,獨自走在下了雪的夜色裡,往往對照的畫面就是她的前男友夫婦甜蜜離去的模樣。我不知道一段感情的結束究竟要經過多久,才能讓這樣的兩相對映不再是一種折磨。而在我所看到的部分,常常當我才為著Ally有了新感情而開心,但最後那個孤單的背影,卻又讓我覺得在這個女孩的心裡,似乎已經meant to be alone,即使她不乏一雙與她相握的手。
我不是個非要有幸福大結局不可的觀眾,像是sex city,最後每個女主角都一個蘿蔔一個坑地配上一個適合她們的男人,這種安排還真的有點無趣。但Ally McBeal不同。雖然不知從第幾季開始,Ally McBeal早已完全從我的生活中消失,但Ally這個角色卻像個很久不見的老朋友一樣,我一直掛念著她,希望她平安無恙,順心美滿,不需要去羨慕別人的幸福。